
Showing posts from 2020

Emapuhkus Taani moodi

 Tegelikult tahaks hullult kirjutada oma reisiseiklustest, kuid olude sunnil peab leppima kodusemate teemadega. 😀 Loodetavasti varsti, varsti saab jälle reisile. Päikselise ilmaga tuju alati hea ÜLDISELT TAANI EMAPUHKUSE TINGIMUSTEST Aga siis emapuhkuse teemal. Kokku olin ma siis töölt eemal 9 kuud. Sellest 1,5 kuud olin enne Nolani sündi kodus ja siis kui Nolan oli 7,5, läksin tagasi tööle. Kui Eesti arvutatkse emapuhkust päevades, siis Taanis nädalates. Kokku on tasustatud puhkust kusagil 1 aasta ja makstav summa sõltub firmast, kus sa parasjagu töötad. Emapuhkusele on võimalik minna 4 nädalat enne tähtaega ja siis saad täis palka. Mul läks tähtaeg peaaegu 2 nädalat üle nii, et sain kokkuvõttes rohkem raha, aitäh Nolan! 😀  Pärast sündi hakkab jooksma emapuhkus, mis on 12 nädalat ja üldiselt firmad maksavad siis ka täispalka. Pärast seda hakkab jooksma vanemapuhkus, mida saab siis nii ema kui isa kas korraga võtta või siis ära jagada. Mina sain siis kokku 6 kuud täispalka, ...

First 7 months with a baby

Actually I wanted to make a post about first half year with the baby but Nolan became 7 months old before I could write about it. Baby changes very fast during first year so it also makes sense to write the update every month (I do it in my notebook) but since time is limited I will just cover the longer time frame. This also gives the chance view the improvement and see the change of behaviour. In our garden in Estonia 💚 (7 months old) NIGHT SLEEP Baby`s sleep is always a hot topic. Looking back I can see that sometimes it gets better and then it gets worse again so it is like a rollercoaster. I guess it depends on the mental development. From the beginning Nolan`s crib has been by our bed. At the beginning there was a babynest inside. When he was small I always put him back to his crib since I was afraid that if I let him stay in our bed then I will hit him during night or the blanket will fall on him. Then during 3-4 months his sleep got worse. If at the beginning he slept ...

Baby Nolan´s Birth :)

If there were no corona crisis at the moment, then I would write about our trip to Tenerife but instead of that, I am writing about the so called most painful (physically) experience in the world - giving a birth! 💓 Before going into the story I must say that I was prepared for worse and at least for me giving a birth did not seem like the most painful thing in the world. 2 weeks with a newborn and figuring out the breast feeding was much harder. 😀 1 month TIME BETWEEN DUE DATE AND LABOR As I might have already written, baby arrived 12 days past my original due date. I did not really think that you can be preganant that long. For one week past due date seemed quite ok with a first child but all the following days following I started to think that my baby enjoys too much being in my belly so he does not want to come out at all. I did not have any pain and complications and I still slept good. I visited the midwife 7 days past for a check and then 9 days past they called from h...

My pregnancy journey

I try to write in my blog mostly about my travels but I guess you can also say that being pregnant for 9 months was also some kind of a trip. 😀 And this post is in English so my English speaking friends might also get some tips and tricks when they might face the pregnancy journey in their life. Almost 3 months have past since I was pregnant so it is a good time to some up since I have already forgot the small thing that might not be so important and so this post will not end up being like a novel 😅. Picture from the baby shower  GENERAL To begin with I must say that I was quite rookie in this pregnancy world. I even did not know at the beginning about how many weeks is the pregnancy (40 weeks), since mostly I have used to hear 9 months. In my journey dr. Google helped me a lot to, ofc I had to filter a bit the results I received. 😆 My baby was planned but I kind a thought it will take longer to get pregnant since some parties like wedding, bachelorette part was planned ...