
Dubrovnik with kids and babysitter! 🌞

I have wanted to visit Croatia for some time and finally it happened. There were direct flights from Estonia to Dubrovnik and Split. I chose Dubrovnik since the oldtown seemed attractive. I was in between if should take kids with us or leave to my mum. To be honest, after being alone with 2 small kids for 24 hours I am so done, so I thought it is a bit much for my mum. So we decided to bring my mum with us instead. We stayed in Dubrovnik for 4 days, but there is enough activity for at least 1 week and if you rent the car then plenty to see around. Beach time ACCOMODATION Unfortunately nun of me or Kevin are into driving a car, I guess it is partially because we do not have one and mostly bike around in Copenhagen. So we chose also logistically a place to stay that would be close to beach and access to public transport. There are not really beaches around old town so we stayed next down over called Lapad. It is maybe not the cheapest area in the hood, but totally recommend it. It was ea

Nolan 4 - iseseisvumise aasta! 💪

 Ma siin tegelikult hakkasin üks päev mõtlema, et kui ma kirjutan posituse eesti keeles, et kas mu lapsed üldse saavad aru kunagi tulevikus, mis ma siia kirjutanud olen! 😀 No vähemalt saan ise oma eesti keele kirjaoskust veel harjutada, kuigi tundub, et inglise keeles kirjutamine on mul juba rohkem mugavusstoon. Mitte, et ma oleks osav kummaski keeles!😅 Nõia naeru immiteerimas 😀 Postituse teema juurde tagasi tulles, olen ma ikka mõned kuud sünnipäevast maast. Esimestel eluaastatel ikka on palju rohkem lapse arengu koha pealt kirjutada, kuid vaatame, mis ma siin välja võlun. Nüüd ka on pildis väikevend, kelle areng saab rohkem tähelepanu, kuid alustaksi siis suureks vennaks olemisest. Hambaarsti juures SUUR VEND Nii väiksed lapsed juba edutatakse suureks ja väikeseks vennaks/õeks. Eks see esimene aasta suure vennana on möödunud läbi kivide ja kändude. Alguses oli pigem võitlus tähelepanu eest ja suuremaid tundepuhanguid esines tihedamalt, siis viimasel ajal on ikka juba lootusekiiri

Logan 1 year! 🥳

Well actually by the time I am writing this post he is already 1 year and almost 2 months old. But it is a perfect time to recap his second half of the baby stage since he has just started walking and is slowly transitioning to toddler. He has been a bit slower in development, I would say 2 months behind, compared to Nolan. At the same time, I actually thought that younger siblings are faster since they have older sibling around, but I guess at the end of the day everybody develops on their own speed! :) Logan 9 months Day Care Logan started to go to daycare when he was close to 9 months old. We were lucky that we got the spot at the same institution where Nolan is going, and it is just around the corner so super close. Nolan though goes to forest kindergarten but the bus leaves and drops off the kids at the same spot. Kevin was the one responsible for integration period since he was on paternity leave until Logan was 11 months old. Overall, it went very smooth, and the teachers said t

D-vitamin break in Dubai 🌞

Autumn was quite hard last year in terms of sicknesses, so I really needed to escape somewhere warm. My first taught was Tenerife, but it was actually cheaper to go to Dubai. We actually stayed about 1 hour drive from Dubai in Ras Al Khaimah. It felt like driving to in the middle of nowhere 😁. The area was artificially built and mainly for big hotel chains and tourists. I choose this area first because it was cheaper and secondly there were activities for kids and kids pool. I also wanted the hotel to be by the beach. In central Dubai it can cost quite some money to have all these criteria's filled.  Great sunsets from the room FLIGHT We flew there with Emirates and it was great. About 7 hours from Copenhagen. Nolan was pretty occupied by watching cartoons and Logan somehow also either was sleeping or entertained by sth. They also gave out different goodie bags for kids and took polaroid picture of families with children. On the way back one seat with bassinet was even assigned to